Earned Leave Detail and Rule

 8.116. (i) The earned leave admissible to a Government employee in permanent

employ is :–
(a) 1/24th of the period spent on duty, during the first 10 years of his service;
(b) 1/18th of the period spent on duty during the next 10 years of his service;
and 1/12th of the period spent on duty, thereafter.

Note 1.–For the purpose of assessing the “length of service” under this sub-rule, break in
service caused as a result of retrenchment shall not entail forfeiture of previous service. Further,
in the case of women Government employees break in service due to resignation as a result of
family circumstances of the Government employee concerned, shall also be condoned by the
re-appointing authority; provided the duration of break does not exceed 10 years.
Note 2.–In calculating earned leave, the actual number of days of duty performed shall
first be counted and then multiplied by 1/12, 1/18, 1/24 as the case may be and the product
expressed in days and fraction of day. In case, there is a change in the rate of earning of leave,
the fraction in the earned leave shall be rounded off to the nearest day that is fraction below half
shall be ignored and that half or more shall be reckoned as one day.
Note 3.–The period spent on duty shall include all kinds of leave, except extraordinary
leave, for the purpose of calculation of earned leave.
(ii) Accumulation of earned leave is permissible upto 450 days.
(iii) Leave preparatory to retirement may be allowed upto 300 days on full pay,
provided it is due.

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